Well time really does fly...I can't believe I haven't blogged since March. I knew it had been a while since I had posted but I was thinking more like June maybe because I read everyone else's blogs. Life has been a little busy this summer. Makaila is playing competition soccer for the Lehi Strikers. They have an amazing coaching staff that puts in a lot of hard work and is really dedicated to the team and their development. I have learned having kids in sports takes a lot of time and commitment on the parents side as well. Makaila really loves soccer and excels at it so I really need to give her the opportunity to excel at it. McKay and Tila have stayed busy this summer with the summer reading program they have been attending. When I moved to Lehi I actually heard about the Rippy Literacy Center right here in Lehi Utah on the Oprah Winfrey show. The center was started by Hester Rippy who is 88 years old and still works at the center everyday. The center is open to everybody and is free of charge. The center has ESL classes as well as adult reading programs and math help. They offer reading classes and tutors to assist in all areas. I thought it would be a great program to take advantage of since I live right here. McKay and Tila have really enjoyed it as well. Vaioleti is doing well and is a typical teenager. She spent a week at transplant camp at Camp Kostopolous again always has a good time mingling and getting to know other kids who have been through similar experiences. This past week we had her cousin Suli from Boise here and they went to Lagoon, the movies, and spent some time up at Grandma Meme's hanging out with Tui, Sita, and Trina. What can I say about Isaac...He is all boy and part shark. He has to put his teeth into everything and everyone. We are trying to work on it. He has bite kids in nursery, kids at restaurants, kids at the park, or anyone who appears to be in his way or has something he wants. Isaac is definatly all boy. He is rough, tough and very strong there is no softness here. Every summer the kids have a tradition of spending the night before the 24th of July camping out a t Liberty Park with the Malungahu's for the big Days of 47 parade. This year was especially exciting because Grandpa Misi did the float for the Tongan Stake and it was incredible it won the Utah award. Taylor and I have spent our time at work, chauffering, soccer tournaments and spending time with our kids. We are looking forward to going camping, Hawaii, and mom is looking forward to school staring.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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