Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Boy's Best Friend

Isaac loves my Mom's little dog Lizzie. The other day I went running and left Isaac at my Mom's. Usually I take Isaac with me and push him in the stroller and if I go with my Mom we sometimes take Lizzie and she sits on Isaac's lap as we go. Well I guess Isaac was mad that I left them home and insisted that we take Lizzie for a walk. I thought we would walk to the end of the street and back but NO, Isaac dragged Lizzie and I about another mile. Isaac had so much fun and didn't want to go home.


Emily said...

That is so cute. She would break his heart if she sold Lizzie!

Jennifer said...

Jessica, just found your blog. Thanks for keeping me company on Saturday!

Tara Hoppie said...

I just caught up on your blog, and I loved reading about the baby bird, and the puppy, and the oil dance. Your kids are the coolest!